LSD Compendium Deluxe Volume 3 Price: From: 17 Bit Software (01924 366982) LSD 3 is just one of those CD you sling in your drive and start running the demos, listening to the music, reading the texts, viewing the pictures, playing the anims, playing the games.....etc etc etc It goes on and on, and after 5 hours you suddenly realise how long you have been sitting there. This has got to be one of the best compilations of any CD, better than LSD's previous ones? Basically what the CD-ROM contains is the standard array of music, games, art etc files [CLICK FIG BUTTON]. Some files are ready to run from the CD like some of the Demos and the Music mods. But most of the files are packed with Lha or DMS so they need to be unpacked before they can be used etc. Some people might see this as a disadvantage, but remember you get a lot more for your money when the files are packed ;) A CD well worth a look. Sysops note: The CD is BBS ready but the file list leave a lot to be required and you will probably be better off using the List command to make your own lists up. Basically thats the only fault with the CD. Madness END ===